Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oil/Linen Canvas     24"  x  18"

This painting is available for Sale.  Contact me for info.

When I painted this painting it was about the attitude I got from the model.

Friday, January 30, 2009

"I Made Them Cry"
Oil/Linen Canvas    24"  x  18"

This painting is available for Sale.  Contact me for info.

Here in this painting the model has a very quiet look, the colors are bold and are in simple shapes that balance the painting.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Two Women on the Path"
Oil/Linen Canvas        36"  x   24"

Here in this painting I used an old castle wall (Cadiz, Spain) and path way to inspire a painting with two women, one more open to the times and the other more conservative.  I wanted to show a conflict in dress but not a conflict in the women.  I used the same model for the two figures.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Reading a Poem"
Oil/Linen Canvas   12"  x  16"

This painting is available for sale.  Contact me for info.

This painting is of a girl reading a book.  The test here is all the green around her.  Does it work?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oil/Linen Canvas   24"  x  18"

This painting is available for sale.  Contact me for info.

This painting is of a nude model that is in low overhead light. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

This painting is available for Sale, Contact me for info.

"Once In Time"
Oil/linen Canvas     30"  x  24"

This painting has tension and a look that I think is open to interpretation.  I believe that most of my paintings are meant to be that way.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

"An Understanding"
Oil/Linen Canvas   18"  x  24"

In this painting it's all about the look.  The shapes in the background support the strong diagonal of the figure. 

Friday, January 23, 2009

"Gold Head Dress"
Oil/Linen Canvas   12"  x  9"

This painting is about the head dress, light and dark. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Bedroom Eyes"
Oil/Linen Canvas    18"  x  24"

I placed the model in a bedroom to get a quiet moment.  The red dress adds interest to the moment.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oil/Linen Canvas   18"  x  24"      $3,575.00 w/o frame

This painting is about painting white on white and folds.  The model is still but it all has movement.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Oil/Linen Canvas  24"  x  18"   $3,575.00 w/o frame

This painting is about movement.  The gesture in the dance is very compelling. 

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Head Dress with Ruby"
Oil/Linen Canvas   16"  x  12"   $1,790

I liked the head dress on the model.  It stood out and a simple look was all I needed for this painting. 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Model in Red Skirt"
Oil/Linen Canvas     16"  x  12"   $1,790.00 w/o frame

This painting is all about the costume and deep shadows.

Friday, January 16, 2009

"White Fur Hat"
Oil/Linen Canvas   16"  x  12"  $1,790.00 w/o frame

This half nude figure had good lighting and the pose was right for a painting.  The fur hat added to the painting also.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oil/Linen Canvas   16"  x  12"   $1,790.00 w/o frame

I tried to keep this painting very simple and down to earth.  She has very little expression.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Three Days"
Oil/Linen Canvas    18"  x  24"     $3,575 w/o frame

I just like this one because of her expression and her pose.  She has a wondering look. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oil/Linen Canvas   22"  x  28"    $4,250 w/o frame

Here the model came into the studio with red hair and so I wrapped her in a red and orange shaw to make the painting very warm.  

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Confronting My Thoughts"
Oil/Linen Canvas        16"  x  12"       $1,790.00 w/o frame

The model and the surroundings are all made in small, medium and large shapes.  This is a painting that I like because of the simplicity and textures.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Oil      36"  x   24"

This is a painting that I thought would stand alone.  The color of the costume and the movement of the figure worked well. The large vase gave support to the composition.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Dance for the Moment"
Oil 30" x 24"

Here in this painting, the model was moving like a dancer. The colors were dark and warm and she was very light, it gave a very dramatic feel to the painting.

Monday, January 5, 2009

"Out for the Day"
Oil       36"  x  24"

This painting was also inspired in Spain as well. I was in Cordoba and I saw a very nice foyer at a hostal. The idea was to have a woman coming out of the hostal, and kind of showing herself off in a quite way.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

"Alone with my Thoughts"
Oil             54"  x  36"

I photographed this model while I was in Ayllon, Spain.   I had looked over the landscape first and decided to have the model pose at this site.  The landscape had wheat fields and rolling hills.  The sun was setting and the light was warm.  The models expression had a far away look and I thought this was perfect for the painting that I wanted.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I hope that this day and all the days to come are the best ever for us all. Happy New Year!

Oil          24"  X   18"

This model had an intensive look, her face said so much, no words were necessary.  Her hair is red and lends to the overall feeling of the painting.